Manuscript Critique

Manuscript Critique Tips:
Expert Support Since 1995

ManuscriptCritique icon MC Every serious writer needs help getting started. What we’ve learned in school and from our peers is simply not enough. Only experts in the field can help you avoid scams that can seem authentic and teach you the difference between a manuscript critique and book editing, the difference between traditional publishing and self-publishing, or the difference between commercial and literary fiction.

Michael Garrett, Stephen King’s first editor/publisher, draws from his 30+ years of industry experience and editing experience to give you the truth about what it takes to be professionally published.

What do you write?

There are basically two types of fiction. You should decide which to write.

Commercial versus Literary Fiction

The distinction between literary fiction and commercial fiction lies primarily in their focus, purpose, and style, though the boundaries between them can sometimes blur.

Literary Fiction

  • Typically appreciated by critics, scholars, and literary awards committees
  • Focuses on depth and style, artistic expression, and complex themes or philosophical ideas
  • Prioritizes character development, prose style, and deeper meanings
  • Often challenges readers, encouraging introspection and interpretation
  • Appeals to readers who value nuanced writing and stimulating narratives
  • May have a slower pace and less conventional or straightforward plot structures
  • Meant to provoke thought, inspire reflection, or pursue artistic expression
  • Often includes themes of ambiguity or complexity without clear resolutions
  • Sales are typically less than commercial fiction


As stated previously, this site is intended to help new commercial fiction writers. If you're pursuing literary fiction, a good resource is Story in Literary Fiction.

Commercial Fiction

  • Prioritizes plot-driven stories, accessible language, and fast-paced action
  • Appeals to a wide, mainstream audience looking for an engaging, often escapist, experience
  • Typically has a clear beginning, middle, and end with a satisfying resolution
  • Often adheres to established genre conventions (e.g., romance, thriller, mystery, fantasy)
  • Primarily intended to entertain and sell well in the marketplace
  • May still tackle meaningful themes but in a more accessible or formulaic way
  • Sales are typically more than literary fiction


When you seek writing help, the best resource is someone with experience in the publishing industry—an editor who understands what commercial publishers look for in a manuscript. A writing mentor, who can offer insights through manuscript critique services or book editing services, is a valuable ally on your journey to publication.

How can a Manuscript Critique help new writers?

A manuscript critique’s purpose is to provide an overall assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your writing, much like a thorough book review might be. It’s primarily an opinion as to the general effectiveness of your writing. It should be performed by a professional with strong industry credentials, otherwise it’s worthless. Don’t trust your critique group for an analysis of your writing. They likely don’t know anymore about it than you do.

An overall evaluation can help improve your writing before you’re ready for deeper book editing, which can sometimesbe intimidating to a new writer.

how can Book Editing help a new writer?

Book editing provides comprehensive line-by-line editing to guide the author in refinement and polishing of the writing to make it publication-ready, addressing all levels of writing and technical details, such as:

  • Detailed feedback on plot, structure, pacing, and other big-picture issues.A shelved collection of books for writing tips
  • Identifying where you may need to improve flow, tone, and clarity while maintaining your voice. A good editor never interferes with your voice as an author.
  • Pinpointing  grammar, punctuation, syntax, and consistency issues in need of your attention.
  • Checking for typos, formatting, and minor errors

Which Is Best For a new fiction writer?

If you’re a relatively new writer at the early draft stage, you might start with a manuscript critique, which is less expensive, to get a sense of where you stand as a beginner.

If you’ve completed an entire manuscript and have rewritten it and corrected everything to the best of your knowledge and feel your writing is close to being finished, a professional edit will fill you in on all of the issues that you don’t know about.

Remember, it’s ultimately the author’s responsibility to make his/her writing publishable, not the editor’s.

Be prepared for critical feedback. The truth hurts, but that’s what you need. You're paying for criticism, not praise.

are These Services worth their cost?

Absolutely--if you're a serious writer and you find the right editor.

Obviously, if you hope to be commercially published, a professional edit will prove invaluable. But even if you plan to self-publish, editing remains just as important.

To be taken seriously, self-published works must be comparable to commercially published ones. This also applies to books aimed at a limited audience, like a family history, which will be handed down for generations. Approach it as if you planned for commercial publication.

Can you get by without either service? Again, if you’re a serious writer, absolutely not; especially if you’re writing a novel. As the Washington Post notes, "every great novelist needs an editor."

Washington Post excerpt stating the importance of writing advice

i am Michael Garrett

As Stephen King's first editor and publisher, I've obviously been around awhile. Why should you trust Michael Garrett, writing advisor, an elderly gray-haired man sans facial hairme to give you honest writing advice? Check out my bio and see.

Unpublished writers can be easy targets for industry scammers who play by a loose set of rules. You’ve likely been exposed to their tactics already and perhaps have even come to accept some. If you don't read anything else on this site, please don't miss my Frequently Asked Questions page.

Whether it comes to a simple critique or a full scope edit, please use the advice on this website to avoid the pitfalls that inexperienced writers often fall into.

The unbiased writing tips that you'll find on this website is based upon my 40+ years of publishing industry experience. 2023 certificate for Michael Garrett's award-winning writing

I do not benefit in any way from the external links on this site.

The unencumbered opinions expressed herein are entirely my own.

Michael Garrett's writing advice is right on!

— Kirk Polking, former director, Writer's Digest School

Writing Tip: Search Carefully For Legitimate Writing Advice!

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