Manuscript Critique

Instant Pricing For
Editing Services

My editorial services are available on a limited basis to an elite few.

Although I’m officially retired, I still edit four to five manuscripts a year by authors who stand out among the rest.

Compare my fee (two and a half cents per word) to any other editor with comparable experience. For example, my fee for a 100,000 word manuscript is $2,500.

Compare my extensive experience with that of any other editor.

If your manuscript is accepted, get the total cost of your edit below.

per word.


Your approximate price, if your manuscript is accepted, is:

$ 0

If you're satisfied with the above fee . . .

I invite you to explore the possibility of securing my editorial services. Please thoroughly read the following if you're interested:

An edit alone is worthless. The important factor is how effectively you, the author, incorporate the findings into a thorough rewrite.

You won't like everything that I say; however, it's these very comments that will likely help improve your manuscript the most.

Some of the more serious issues I'll point out may not be what you anticipated.

Put aside any preconceived notions as to what your manuscript's weaknesses might be. Industry professionals evaluate manuscripts differently than you or English professors.

Keep in mind that I won't be reading your manuscript for entertainment purposes. Editing requires deep concentration, and marking errors and writing commentary create constant interruptions. I won’t "enjoy" your story. I'll be editing it from a critical perspective, looking for problems.

You will likely have quite a bit of work ahead following the completion of my edit. It won't be limited to just making corrections from a marked up manuscript.

My edit will not include any rewriting or reconstruction of sentences. You are responsible for consistency throughout your manuscript with respect to unconventional spellings, dialect or capitalizations, which can easily be identified by using SpellCheck.

I edit only book-length manuscripts.

My fee is for one edit alone, with no follow-up, review, nor consultation services. My markups and commentary are detailed, thorough, and self-explanatory, so there should be no need for such.

Please don't proceed if any of the following applies to you:

  • You're not prepared for criticism.
  • You don't plan to give your work a serious rewrite as a result of the edit.
  • You think you know more than I do.
  • You think you know what's wrong with your manuscript. (If you know what's wrong, fix it!)

Since my experience is probably the best you'll find and my fee is among the lowest you'll find, my services are in demand. I make every effort, however, to respond quickly to all inquiries.

When you're ready, the next step is to email me and tell me what makes your manuscript better than others.

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